\nThese new brands monopolize fields of communication from \"craft\", to discovery tasting and to social: more authenticity, more taste, more history. Big brands are relegated in their advertising campaigns to capitalize on a local anchorage (cf. the slogan « find the Danish/trouver la danoise » from Carlsberg, on a background of colorful traditional houses or snowy fjords), compete with humor to attract the attention of the consumers or insist on the refreshing aspect of the drink (cf. the pints of beers made up in sorbets in the Heineken countryside).\n \n A manufacturer is worried about risks incurred by his employees on construction sites.\n \n How to predict and detect risks on construction sites?\n \nCreation of a camera -hardware- that can take pictures of the construction site at a given frequency and then send them automatically to an automated platform including an image recognition algorithm allowing to detect compliance with the safety distances, helmet use, presence of intruders on the construction site, fire outbreaks, etc.\n \n Development of a solar 3G camera to capture images\n \n Development of an image recognition algorithm to analyze safety distances, helmet use, presence of intruders and fire outbreaks.\n \n Development of a platform for task automation and data analysis\n \n - The increase of data generated by smartphones moves faster than the evolution of the storage capacity of a device for a given price (despite the famous law of Moore).\n \n How to get rid of the physical storage limit of smartphones?\n \n The key to the problem is the lack of a general UX on the cloud. We developed Moore, a «smart caching» technology that links smartly the physical storage of a device with cloud storage, using compression algorithms and machine learning. This built-in OS architecture creates an unlimited storage experience for the user on a device, also offline.\n \n Today, two solutions are available to connect several sound outputs to the same source:\n \n How to create a multiroom sound experience by connecting different speakers in the same space?\n \n Creation of a communication protocol between speakers of different brands in order to create a multiroom experience and synchronize them.\n \n The general idea is to re-imagine a multiroom audio listening experience, in an open way (not linked to a brand of audio equipment) and light (no complicated setup, wiring or need of repeaters). Thus, rather than recreating a new proprietary system, modules are added to speakers of different brands. You can distribute with a module, with one click, a sound on a set of phones, computers and speakers - synchronously.\n
\nSeed-Up chose to get out of these advertising schemes with slightly outdated codes and to focus its approach on the evolution of consumption patterns. The challenge is to revitalize the image of Kronenbourg by offering a new use, to enrich the brand platform centered on the discovery of the product \"Beyond appearances\" (au-delà des apparences) and to make people discover the 1664 range in its entirety (8 different products).\n\n\nThe reflection then focused on the experience of drinking beer and associated images. If for many people, beer rhymes with \"friends\", \"concerts\", or even \"summer nights\", it also inevitably means waiting to order, be served and pay, and this, at the expense of the conviviality and the pleasure of tasting.\n
\nConsequently, the project was to think of a device to make this process flow better - by eliminating waiting times – that can be easily extended and recurring in places where beer is consumed regularly and in large quantities. A payment ecosystem was developed, thanks to NFC chips, that includes: a disposable glass, refillable with credits through the cellphone, and a connected tap. A web application was set up to see the decrease in the credits allocated to the glass, as and when it is filled by the tap. This system makes it possible to overcome the standards of a pint or half pint by creating a new form of payment for real consumption.\n
\nFinally, the taps were designed with several spouts for the different beers of the range (1664 blanche, gold, rosée, etc.): the customer experience using the tap himself and can proceed to a tasting.\n
\nThe consumer chooses his beer, serves himself and pays his bill without involving any intermediary.\n
\nOnce the event is over, the glass is thrown into a special bin that disables unused paid credits.\n\n\nPlayful and a real-time saver, the service offered makes it possible to rediscover the world of the brand in a non-intrusive way in the eyes of the consumer.\n\n\n\n\n III/ HUAWEI MATE 9: TECHNICAL PERFORMANCE MODELLING\n\n\n\nThe telecommunication company Huawei contacted different agencies for the launch of its new smartphone: the Huawei mate 9.\n\n\nThe Chinese equipment manufacturer was looking for a previously unseen communication strategy to promote its latest product in a saturated phone market.\n\n\nWith a battery capacity of several days, the phone offered the best offer in the market in terms of autonomy.\n
\nThe bias was therefore to focus the advertising campaign on this competitive advantage and emphasize it. Seed-Up’s work consisted of a reflection around an object, specifically designed for the campaign, allowing the consumer to better understand the performance of the phone: the technical capabilities become tangible and therefore desirable.\n
\nThat’s how a multi-output cable allowing to charge 4 phones simultaneously was developed from Mate 9. The image conveyed is that of a \"surviving\" phone, or even \"nursing\", on which the consumer can count when all the batteries of the smartphones around decline inexorably. The metaphor of energy transfer, or blood donation, was displayed in the video featuring the prototype made by our team, then in the choice of the name of the campaign: the percent donor (Buzzman Agency).\n\n","date":"2016","nature":"Client mission, Hardware","phases":" Conception, Prototype, industrialization","techno":"3D printing of casting molds, production of silicone molds and cast polyurethane","stl":"/3d#huawei.stl"},{"id":2,"client":"{NDA}","type":"CLIENT","title":"How to predict and detect risks on construction sites?","imagePreview":"/common/images/projects/total/00_Total_preview.jpg","imageTop":"/common/images/projects/total/01_Total_haut.png","bottomMedia":["/common/images/projects/total/02_Total_bas.jpg","/common/images/projects/total/03_Total_bas_02.jpg"],"context":"\n\n \n Customer Context\n \n
\nThis system of value within a company is, first of all, constrained by the normative architecture of the country of origin of the company, or its implementation. Thus, French companies operating in a mixed normative system, composed of an addition of national legislation and supranational European legislation, are forced to implement extensive risk prevention policies. While in the United States, the liberal conception of the market and the cultural reluctance towards the enactment of norms by the central authority, induces a tolerance of risk more flexible thus less regulated.
\nBut the principle of accountability also exists on another scale: the one of the company. In fact, mixed up or even combined with the calculations relating to the brand image, a much more subjective calculation is made: the one of the tolerance of risk exposure for employees or third parties.
\nThus, the run-off of the culture of the country of origin of the company, its normative system, the management of its public image, but also the psychology of its leaders will be taken into account in the apprehension of the security of a company. In railways, for example, two diametrically opposed concepts of risk can be compared. In France, the associated security is SIL4 level: any system failure must thus lead to a level of retreat as safe as possible, so as to prevent - or at least limit - the damage to the physical integrity of the individuals. In the United States, railway standards are less drastic, and the occurrence of incidents is integrated to insurances. This does not prevent some companies like MV Transportation from having higher quality and higher control standards than European standards.
\n\n\nThe second unknown of the calculation is the potentiality of a failure.\nIf the origins can be multiple, the failures are often human: a 1982 study by Feggetter, A. J., 'A method for investigating human factor aspects of aircraft accidents and incidents', Ergonomics, Vol. 25, quantifies to 70% the number of aircraft accidents attributed to human error. Indeed, it is customary to retain a failure rate of 10-6 and a reaction time per second for a human player where certain specialized equipment and software have failure standards in the range of 10-9 and a required reaction time to the millisecond.\n\n\n\n II/ The intervention of technology in the service of risk prevention\n\n\nFor the sake of precaution and prevention of failures, questioning mechanisms to limit human failure is therefore a moral duty from the principle of accountability. If the contemporary fear of the illusory replacement of the work of men by machines tends to demonize -wrongly- any reflection on the subject, the monitoring and support of human activities by the technological intervention seems relevant in view of the higher requirement conferred to machines (10-9).\n\n\nIn this case, construction is the sector with the most accidents. According to a study by Cnam-TS, between 2010 and 2014, the construction industry was responsible for 1008 deaths (work accidents, work diseases, commuting accidents). Although this figure seems to be decreasing in recent years, this only seems to be a consequence of the decline in the number of employees in this sector and not a real reflection on prevention policies.\n\n\nIn this industry, human intervention is still very important, so we must think of an effective system, with the ability to prevent risks; a system dedicated to monitoring that, without being adaptable literally, is able to learn to identify risk situations in a given area without disrupting human intervention.\n\n\nA solution of energy independent cameras was developed with the proposal of Seed-Up. Connected to the GSM network and taking pictures at regular intervals of time, they transmit the latter to an image recognition algorithm capable of detecting risk situations: fire outbreak, lack of helmet use, respect of safety distances... In case of detection, the situation is sent to an operator, who does not deal with a continuous surveillance, but a thorough and timely analysis for the purpose of risk prevention.\n\n\nThe alliance of a technical means with a human analysis makes it possible to be in an already existing dynamic of prevention. Using artificial intelligence and learning for an assistive product can demystify the role of this technology and include it in a process where the human being is central, rather than making it an external element and perceived as negative.\n\n","date":"2017","phases":"Conception, Prototype, Tests, Spreading","nature":"Client mission, Hardware","techno":"Image recognition, 3G","stl":"/3d#total.stl"},{"id":4,"client":"{MOORE}","type":"SEEDUP PROJECT","title":"How to get rid of the physical storage limit of smartphones?","imagePreview":"/common/images/projects/moore/00_Moore_preview.jpg","imageTop":"/common/images/projects/moore/01_Moore_haut.png","bottomMedia":["/common/images/projects/moore/moore.gif"],"context":"\n\n \n Context\n \n
\n - Despite the generalization of streaming (from Spotify to Google Photos), \"cleaning\" applications, cloud storage services, or mixed solutions like iCloud, the multiplication of data inevitably leads to the message: \"saturated storage\".\n
\n The situation is paradoxical since the Cloud storage allows a potentially unlimited storage and there is an almost full access to the terminal network.\n
March 2017-February 2018: Developing the concept\n\t\t
March 2018: MWC Barcelona, presentation of the application\n\t\t
April-December 2018: Construction of the MOORE community\n\t\t
Beginning of 2019: Integration with a manufacturer
\n\t\t","nature":"Internal project","techno":"Scoring algorithms for files according to their use and size.\nFile streaming optimization techniques to manage the transfer of files between the main storage and the cloud.\nMachine learning to anticipate file requests from the user."},{"id":6,"client":"{BE THE SOUND}","type":"SEEDUP PROJECT","title":"How to create a multiroom sound experience by connecting different speakers in the same space ?","imagePreview":"/common/images/projects/bethesound/00_Bethesound_preview.png","imageTop":"/common/images/projects/bethesound/01_Bethesound_haut.png","bottomMedia":["/common/images/projects/bethesound/02_Bethesound_bas.jpg"],"context":"\n\n \n Customer Context\n \n
\n - Wired, but impractical\n
\n - A multiroom proprietary system (Sonos, Bose...)\n
\n Indeed, wireless communication technologies suffer from a real lack of interoperability. Bluetooth or Airplay 1 only offers 1:1 connections, multiroom technologies are proprietaries, and in the event of the release of a standard like Airplay 2 (or even better, an open-source standard) all manufacturers should make it compatible, and old speakers would remain unused.\n
\n So there is no solution for wireless sound diffusion on speakers of different brands, no possibility to create a multiroom experience by combining existing speakers, new or old (and some are of higher quality than today´s wireless speakers).\n \n\n\nBut the link of the economic success of an invention and its patent filling is not fully proven. We can think of Velcro, patented in 1958, expired in 1978, which finally had its success in the 1980s, by the company Velcro itself.\n\n\nSome companies may also choose not to enter this patent filling system to keep the secret of their invention. Especially Coca-Cola's strategy, which has been keeping the recipe of its famous soda in the vault of an Atlanta bank for decades (the first version of the drink filled a patent but this was not usable due to the presence of coca).\n\n\n\nTo go even further, the \"negationism\" considers, as an extension of the doctrines of Proudhon and Walras, that intellectual property constitutes an unfounded restriction of the public domain (Daniel Cohen); The promotion of the \"free\" software is part of this trend. Note that some software licenses are called \"open source\" when they comply with the criteria established by the Open Source Initiative that induce the possibility of free redistribution, access to source code and creation of derivative works.\nTraditional companies sometimes have similar strategies to allow a more open innovation on a device. INTEL, one of the world's leading patent filers, which at the same time grants open-source and free licenses for certain patented technologies (Bus AGP for example).\n\n\n\n\n II/ Interoperability VS. Proprietary System\n\n\nThe multiplication of patent filling has led manufacturers to consider patents as an offensive or defensive asset, a legal weapon - even a speculative tool - very far from the Enlightenment ideal.\nIn the ICT sector, this situation even led to a blocking position in 2011 when the big high-tech companies, Samsung and Apple, entered a patent war. In the continuity of this race to \"intellectual monopoly\", multiple actors choose to develop proprietary solutions, but with a lack of clear will to dismiss or the release of relatively restrictive licenses (whether it was Sonos totally closed, but also Airplay with the lack of cross-platform software implementation or Chromecast and its full integration to chrome).\nIn the more specific sector of audio broadcasting, there is for example a desire to link the sending of the file and the listening medium. This lock-in strategy is intended to allow the implementation of DRM (digital rights management).\n\n\nThe real antagonism therefore does not lie in the opposition between patent filling or not, but between closed proprietary system development strategy and interoperability strategy (which can be defined as the ability of a computer system to work with other computer products or systems, with no restrictions on access or implementation).\nIn the audio sector, the MP3 is a striking example of this problem between opening choice or a closed system. Even today, it is difficult to say who owned the patents of this technology, even though it was developed based on the work of the Fraunhoffer Institute. From the 90s to the 2010s, its use generated multiple lawsuits, in spite of the clear will to dismiss this technology by its putative beneficiaries. It is not surprising that its massive adoption is related to file sharing between Internet users that tend to overlook the licensing issues.\nWe can then appreciate the approach of Bluetooth, seeking to unify the connections between electronic devices by removing wired connections, just like Harald Bluetooth that unified several Scandinavian provinces in the 10th century. It is noteworthy that his protocol and his debit disqualify him for any real music listening. We can then highlight the work of the Tempow start-up, which implemented a software component that modifies the use of the Bluetooth on a smartphone and allows the synchronization of speakers of different brands with Bluetooth.\n\n\n\n III/ BeTheSound: creating a common listening standard\n\n\nThis is finally the heart and the issue of project BeTheSound: how to ensure, in the coming years, an omnipresent standard like the jack?\n\n\nBeTheSound allows you to create a multiroom listening experience by avoiding the proprietary systems by installing modules on speakers that are in the same space, for the benefit of their interoperability. The device is extremely scalable, not very greedy in terms of bandwidth and light to roll out. It is based on a meshed WIFI architecture and statistical algorithms allowing the best synchronization of the speakers.\n\n\nWe can broadcast a sound on a set of phones, computers and speakers with a \"click\" in a synchronized way, good old Jack!\n\n","date":"2015","phases":"Conception, Prototype, Tests","nature":"Internal project Seed Up","techno":"Mesh Network, WebRTC, Web Audio API","stl":"/3d#bethesound.stl"}];
We are a Hacker house: a house-workshop that offers the status of employee-entrepreneur to new technology enthusiasts. We help large groups such as {THALÈS}-{HUAWEI}-{HERMÈS} wanting to break the codes and we design our own inventions such as {MOOREa smartphone with unlimited storage}
Engineers, designers and developers - or other enthusiasts about new technologies - we share the desire to invent. The model of society we are building within the Hacker House of Seed-Up, particularly through the introduction of the status of employee-entrepreneur, turns this aspiration into our job.
We divide our time between collaborations with large groups and projects developed internally. This diversity allows us to test the requirements of the company, while maintaining a direct link with the market, and to deepen simultaneously our technical expertise and our intuitions.
Eventually, internally developed project-companies aim to free themselves from Seed-Up. The shares are then split between the founders, who become active associates, Seed-Up and the newly recruited CEO. The only rule for the project-company is its ability to ensure continuity of wages.
Total, Thales, Sanofi, Hermes or CNRS asked for our help for breaking inventions, and project-companies such as MOORE, a smartphone with unlimited storage, were launched under the glass roof of our shed in Saint-Cloud.
We do not claim any magic recipe or miracle methodology. Graduates of renowned schools or self-taught people: the hierarchy derives from the expertise of each and the singular spirit is always valued.
N’hésitez pas à nous contacter.
23 avenue Bernard Palissy
92210 Saint Cloud
N 48°51’14” - E 2°13’15”